Nigerian Shippers Council || N.S.C

NPPM Activities

The Council, in its role as the Lead Agency for the implementation of the Nigerian Port Process Manual (NPPM), supervises the activities of the Port Standing Task Team (PSTT).

The activities of the PSTT focused on three cardinal areas, which are:

  • Joint Boarding of Vessels & Rummaging.
  • Joint Cargo Examination.
  • Operation Free the Ports Corridors.

The activities of the team saved the Nigerian economy an average vessel demurrage of $20, 000 per day between year 2021 and 2022, which ultimately translates to the sum of $12,350,000 which is over 5.4 Billion naira.

On the other hand, with regard to compliance with Joint Cargo Examination by all government agencies involved in cargo clearance, the exercise has helped to increase the number of cargoes examined per day from 125 to an average of 230 boxes daily per terminal.